Available Tools

Tools will be added as they are developed. Currently the tools available are:


This tool is described in the installation instructions.

magtest --help


This is a program that will dump a JSON string to the console for all available devices. The default is to dump a string and exit. But if the interval is set to a number, the program will dump a string every interval seconds

magdump --help

The regular options to set with this tool are:

 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 -d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
                       Serial device name (default: /dev/ttyUSB0)
 -i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
                       Interval, in seconds, between dump records, in
                       seconds. 0 means once and exit. (default: 0)
 -v, --verbose         Display options at runtime (default: False)

seldom used:
 --packets PACKETS     Number of packets to generate in reader (default: 50)
 --timeout TIMEOUT     Timeout for serial read (default: 0.005)
 --trace               Add most recent raw packet info to data (default: False)
 --nocleanup           Suppress clean up of unknown packets (default: False)

You can define more than one device. Just provide multiple --device /dev/ttyUSBX options when invoking the command.

Configuration (options) File

The example programs and magdump support the use of an options file that is read instead of completing all the options on the command line. For example, instead of magdump --device /dev/ttyUSB1 --interval 60, these cound be included in an options file named, for example pymagnum.opt and the command could be magdump @pymagnum.opt. The @ sign indicates the following is a file name and it read. There is an example in the example folder in GitHub. It looks like this: (# denotes comments)

# Alter these to suit
--device /dev/ttyUSB0
--interval 60
--packets 50
--timeout 0.005
# Remove # to enable the following

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